Drug and alcohol rehab for LGBT

Drug and alcohol rehab tailored for the LGBT community

The Hader Clinic provides supportive and safe treatment options for members of the LGBTIQ community suffering from drug and alcohol addition and mental health issues.

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Members of the LGBTIQ community can receive immediate help overcoming drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues. Contact The Hader Clinic for fast admission.

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Treating common drug rehab issues faced by the LGBT community

Members of the LGBTIQ community face challenges which differ from people in other communities. Rates of substance abuse and addiction are higher among people who identify on the LGBTIQ spectrum. Often, there is an underlying cause for the addiction such as abuse, trauma, stigmitaisation, violence, and harassment.

That's why The Hader Clinic specialises in providing treatment programs with a focus on treating the whole self. We've been helping people within the LGBTIQ community for decades.

The Hader Clinic explains how addicts are not able to predict how much they are going to use once they start using or control their use.

Common issues faced by members of the LGBT community in drug rehab

Those who identify as LGBTIQ face a range of challenges when recovering from substance addiction. While some of these issues may apply to other addicts, many do not. At The Hader Clinic, we understand that every single person's situation is different, and that the reasons for drug and alcohol addiction are diverse.


The physical effects of drug addiction on members of the LGBTIQ community are common to heterosexuals and CISgender people as well. These can include:

  • Higher risk of STIs and other infections due to lowered inhibitions
  • Suppressed immune systems resulting in frequent illnesses
  • Blood-borne diseases due to sharing needles
  • Sexual dysfunction and infertility
  • Physical injuries incurred while inebriated or under the influence
  • Physical dependence on drugs and alcohol
  • An increased risk of cancer


The psychological effects of drug addiction for those who identify as LGBTIQ can include:

  • Unpredictable and violent behaviour
  • Obsession and compulsion
  • Stimulant-induced psychosis
  • Emergence of underlying mental health issues


LGBTIQ community members display a range of emotional side effects from long-term drug and alcohol use. These can include:

  • Confusion and memory loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Anger and rage
  • An inability to connect with society


It's not uncommon for members of the LGBTIQ community to encounter problems within their social lives as a result of substance abuse, including:

  • Challenges connecting sexually or romantic with others
  • Disinterest in hobbies and activities
  • Loss of focus at work
  • Strained relationships with family and friends
  • An inability to remember dates of social events
  • A loss of financial stability


Addiction and mental health issues can affect how people view their identities. This can lead to:

  • Low or non existent self worth
  • Extreme self consciousness
  • Lack of interest and withdrawal from society
  • A sense of purposelessness and lack of hope

How to get started with The Hader Clinic

28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program

People with severe drug dependencies and mental health issues will need to enter detox and complete a 28 day treatment program. We will ensure you detox safely, with the supervision of nurses, and help you create a sense of accountability.

  1. Attend our specialist medical detox and withdrawal centre
  2. Take part in group and individual sessions
  3. Benefit from ongoing support and recreation activities
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Inpatient Rehabilitation Program

Sometimes, a longer program is necessary to achieve full recovery. During this program, people can create long-term goals, and start working actively to achieve them. The programs last between 60 and 90 days, and are tailored to strengthen the foundation of recovery.

  1. Attend our second stage treatment facility
  2. Engage in group and individual counselling
  3. Enjoy ongoing support from peers and staff
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Outpatient Relapse Prevention

Many times, the journey doesn't end when people leave our programs. Some LGBTIQ community members choose to receive ongoing support and care to prevent the risk of relapse. The Hader Clinic offers support services to outpatients, to help people continue to lead healthy and holistic lives outside rehab.

  1. Transitional Housing supports reintegration into the community
  2. Ongoing counselling and support
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Frequently asked questions about drug rehab for LGBT

What are the reasons for substance abuse within the LGBT community?

Marginalised groups experience stress associated with being discriminated against and harassed. Despite new laws being passed, and new platforms enabling members of the LGBTIQ community to have a louder voice, many people still experience prejudice and bias on a daily basis.

Members of the LGBTIQ community are often blocked from employment opportunities, or can end up feeling unsafe in the workplace. This leads to higher cases of depression and anxieties, as well as financial hardship and a lack of fulfillment.

There are also higher rates of abuse, including bullying and violence. And daily microaggressions can add up to erode self esteem and self worth, so many people end up facing significant mental health challenges. And, according to the reports from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, there is a strong association between substance abuse and mental health issues.

How is substance abuse different from other groups in the LGBT community?

Members of the LGBTIQ community encounter a myriad of challenges in their everyday lives — more so, in many cases, than heterosexual or CISgender people. Rates of harassment and bullying are higher, and this can wreak havoc on a person's sense of self. As a result, many people suffer from a range of mental health issues which can lead to substance abuse.

These are the findings from a report conducted by the National LGBTI Health Alliance:

  • LGBTIQ young people aged between 16 and 27 are five times more likely to attempt suicide in their lifetime
  • Transgender people aged 18 and over are nearly eleven times more likely
  • 41.4% of homosexual/bisexual people aged 16 and over met the criteria for a mental disorder and had symptoms within the last 12 months
  • 37.2% of LGBTIQ people aged 16 and over reported being diagnosed or treated for any mental disorder for the past three years

Where else can members of the LGBT community turn to for help?

If unable to access treatment, or not ready for treatment, people can seek government and community services, such as:

  • StartOut — Online mentoring and programs for people of Diverse Sexualities and Genders (DSG)
  • ReachOut — Australia's leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents
  • Lifeline — Crisis support for anyone suffering from addiction and suicidal thoughts
  • QLife — A free to use, Australian-wide, anonymous peer support group and referral service for members of the LGBTIQ community
  • Alcohol and Drug Foundation — An organisation which provides support to all members of our society

There is always help available, no matter the situation. If you suffer from substance abuse and mental health issues, we can help. Call The Hader Clinic to schedule a Free 60-Minute Consultation and start the journey to a healthier you.

entry into our Detox Programs begins with a priority admission service

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Contact us about drug rehab for LGBT

The Hader Clinic is here to help you understand the common issues faced by the lgbt community. Ask a question in the contact form, and we'll be in touch soon.

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Education about addiction and rehabilitation


Inpatient Rehabilitation Program and Transitional Housing program.

150-152 Cooper St, Essendon VIC 3040
Essendon location

Hospital rehabilitation centre for 28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program.

6-8 Townsend Road,
St Albans Park VIC 3219

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