Our programs facilitate long term recovery from addiction, one step at a time.
At our alcohol rehab clinic we help patients manage alcohol detox and withdrawal.
Drug addiction is a common illness, and effective treatment is the key to long term recovery.
We have an array of resources available to help you and/or your loved one with the addiction discovery and recovery process.
Learn about heroin addiction including why and how people get addicted, what’s involved with detox and rehab, and how to find help for getting clean.
Discover the truth about family intervention for substance or alcohol abuse and learn how to stage a successful intervention with The Hader Clinic.
Alcohol addiction and abuse carries a range of signs and symptoms, some easy to identify, others hidden away. Here's everything you need to know.
Acute withdrawal and post acute withdrawal vary widely in terms of symptoms. However, both states can be treated with clinical care from The Hader Clinic.
There are plenty of myths about drug and alcohol rehab. Find out the truth about addiction rehabilitation treatment here.
High functioning addicts are just as at-risk as bottom addicts. To learn more about the misconceptions of functional addiction, read our comprehensive guide.
Get the truth about ice addiction, including how and why people get addicted, what it looks like to detox and recover, and how to get help to get clean.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Program and Transitional Housing program.
Hospital rehabilitation centre for 28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program.