Our programs facilitate long term recovery from addiction, one step at a time.
At our alcohol rehab clinic we help patients manage alcohol detox and withdrawal.
Drug addiction is a common illness, and effective treatment is the key to long term recovery.
We have an array of resources available to help you and/or your loved one with the addiction discovery and recovery process.
Detoxing from drugs at home can be affordable, but also dangerous. Contact us for a free 60-minute consultation to determine what is right for your situation.
Learn about heroin addiction including why and how people get addicted, what’s involved with detox and rehab, and how to find help for getting clean.
Does private health cover inpatient treatment for addiction and rehab? Find out what level of cover you need and how you can fund your addiction treatment with The Hader Clinic.
Ice is a hugely addictive drug. After detoxing and leaving rehab, we offer a number of different programs to help prevent our patients from relapsing.
Ice and sex is a popular combination. However, it comes with a range of serious risks. If you want to break free from ice addiction, contact The Hader Clinic.
Ice addiction has a range of physical, mental, social, and spiritual effects. If you're looking to break free from the grip of addiction, contact us today.
Detoxing from ice can be difficult and dangerous. Find out more about the safest and most effective ways to detox from meth and begin recovering from addiction.
Combining ice with other drugs is a popular choice for users around the country. Here's what you need to know about the dangers of poly drug use and ice.
Identifying ice addiction isn't as easy as you think. At The Hader Clinic, we treat all symptoms holistically. Contact us for immediate admission.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Program and Transitional Housing program.
Hospital rehabilitation centre for 28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program.